This SDG Dialogue event will explore science-based concepts and approaches related to strengthening resilience in the context of the urban water environment. It will be held on 17 October 2016 at the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (HABITAT III) in Quito, and co-organized by the University of Tokyo.
The event aims to generate specific proposals and ideas to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), focusing in particular on Goals 6 (clean water & sanitation), 11 (sustainable cities & communities) and 13 (climate action), as well as the New Urban Agenda to be adopted at HABITAT III. Participants will highlight the role of science-based knowledge in building urban water resilience, and explore practical approaches to better equip policymakers and city practitioners for sustainable urban development in the Anthropocene.
Due to recent rapid urbanization combined with a high rate of economic development, cities are experiencing degradation and depletion of natural resources, including water and related ecosystem services. There is an urgent need for cities to adopt innovative and creative approaches to sustainable development and resilience building. This is particularly true for water-related challenges that urban areas face in the Anthropocene: challenges that point to a clear need to develop new strategies and innovations to curb degradation of the water environment and to build resilient water systems.
This event series brings experts together to share ideas and insights for achieving the SDGs. Each event promotes dialogue and networking between panellists and participants, through interactive discussion and networking.
This event is open to the public, but please visit the HABITAT III website for registration.
08:00–08:05 Opening
08:05–8:10 Setting the Scene
08:10–08:55 Panel Discussion: Science-based Approaches to Build Urban Water Resilience
Moderator: Kensuke Fukushi
Interactive discussion
08:55–09:00 Concluding Remarks